Juniors 12 Days Highlights
Another FANTASTIC 12 Days of Christmas for our Juniors! Thank you to everyone who came out to play, cheer on the players, and/or volunteer! MIDDLE SCHOOL DIVISION CHAMPIONS HIGH SCHOOL DIVISION … More
12 Days of Christmas Highlights

Thank you to everyone who came out for 12 Days of Christmas this past December! It was a blast! Congrats to team PURPLE for the win! … More

It is almost time! Terminus is this weekend, July 8-9th! Food Trucks, Ultimate, Spin merch, tourney party, and lots of fun… Recipe for a FANTASTIC weekend! Come on out to support local and travel teams as they battle it out … More
Fancy-Pants Dance Party – Tickets are now live!

In addition to the 12 Days Hat Tournament… We’re excited to bring back the fanciest pantsiest party for ultimate players in Atlanta. That’s right – Fancy Pants will be happening as well! So get ready to shake your groove thang with … More
Spin Ultimate Academy 2016

Now in it’s 5th year, Spin Ultimate Academy is a week-long camp for high school aged players that features world class coaching by Michael Baccarini, Miranda Knowles, Jericho Barbour, and others. SUA features drills, scrimmages, and personalized instruction, and players … More