12 Days of Christmas Highlights

Thank you to everyone who came out for 12 Days of Christmas this past December! It was a blast! Congrats to team PURPLE for the win! … More
7on7 George Li

The name George Li may not ring a bell to many of you, but he’s an invaluable member of the AFDC Board. He’s the one working behind the scenes, heading up the committee that’s responsible for inspiring and motivating the … More
7on7 Samantha Stovall

When people think of Samantha Stovall, they may think of her contagious smiles or just how awesome she is at ultimate. However, on top of that, she coaches the Kennesaw State girl’s ultimate team AND is USAU’s Georgia Youth Coordinator. … More
7on7 Kate Wilson

I give you the woman who not only dons the Ozone jersey and kicks butt on the ultimate field, but also brought back woman’s league in 2013 and wants to keep it going in 2014. Yes, that’s right, it’s Kate … More
7on7 Robyn Turner

How many hats does Robyn Turner wear? 1. Producer at CNN, your round-the-clock news source. 2. Advocate of filling your life with good food, good people, good music, good times. 3. Radical awesome Ultimate player (see: UVA, Top Shelf, Mother … More
7on7 Sean Finlay

Welcome to the first installment of this new 7on7 series! With this series, we’re taking a look at some of the people who strive to improve AFDC and the local ultimate community as a whole. Now, without further ado… He’s … More
Seven on Seven – Dave Goode

A new questionnaire segment which asks seven entertaining questions of seven diverse AFDC members. More