It’s been a little over a month since we suspended activities and with recent changes in Georgia, we wanted to check-in with everyone again to provide another comprehensive update.
All Ultimate Activities Suspended
Due to the changing response to COVID-19 by the nation, state, and local governments, we are suspending all Summer League planning until further notice. We look forward to resuming play as soon as is safe and practical.
As a community, we would appreciate your suggestions and input on the matter. Please e-mail any comments and suggestions to for discussion.
Summer League 2020: Call for Captains
Summer League 2020: Dates and Registration
COVID-19 Response – All Activities Suspended
ANNOUNCEMENT: Spring Board Meeting
Spring League 2020
Cobb County Spring League – Registration is OPEN
Cobb County Monday Night Mixed League RETURNS for another fabulous year in 2020! Spring League registration is NOW OPEN at
AFDC Holiday Party
Winter Goalty
Winter Goalty is just around the corner so get your push passes, scoobers, and booty bumps ready! Here all of the details for the upcoming season.
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