Hopefully you’ve found your cleats by now, or purchased new ones… so you can join us on the field this summer! Read about what we’ve got in store below –
Open Play
First up, we’re hosting a few Open Play sessions in June. “Open Play” is a new format for us and one that we hope to do much more of this year and beyond – it’s essentially AFDC hosted pick-up! We’ll book and set up fields then encourage anyone that’s interested to
come out and have fun playing ultimate. We’ll be on-site to teach you the ropes if you’re new, help you practice your throws, or review the finer points of self-officiating and Spirit of the Game with you.
It’s free for anyone to play, but you’ll need to check-in and sign an AFDC waiver when you arrive. This is pick-up, so be sure to bring a light & dark. Follow us on social media @atlantaultimate for posts about up-coming opportunities near you!
- June 12, Central Park 10am-Noon
- June 19, Old 4th Ward Park 10am-Noon Cancelled
- June 27, Boulevard Crossing 10am-Noon
In compliance with City of Atlanta health guidelines, masks or proof of vaccination will not be required at these outdoor events (subject to change as needed).
An Ultimate League This Summer
In July, we’ll be hosting a more traditional adult ultimate league for those looking for more regular playing opportunities with friends. Following the most unconventional of years, the format of this league will also be a little unconventional.
It’s a league. It’s in the summer. But don’t think of it as our traditional Summer League. Don’t freak out! More details to come.
If you’re interested in captaining a team this year, please email our commissioners at afdcsummerleague@gmail.com to get in the know around what’s coming next!
Club Terminus
To give local USA Ultimate club teams taking shape a playing opportunity to be tested together before competing regionally or nationally, we’re also planning to host Club Terminus, just a little later than usual this summer. Terminus is a USAU sanctioned tournament and teams & players must be registered with USAU to participate.
We’re currently looking at field availability & will announce a date soon.
We WILL have a women’s division as many tournaments in the southeast have unfortunately cancelled theirs and fostering diverse playing opportunities is a cornerstone of the AFDC’s mission.
Email our Tournament Director (terminustd@gmail.com) to express interest in submitting a bid.
Photo credits: Aileen Thomas