We are happy to welcome Patrick Dogan as the new AFDC Grants Chair! Who is Patrick Dogan, you may ask, and what exactly does he have in store for AFDC Grants? We decided to ask him just that to find out…
First of all, who is Patrick Dogan? What shenanigans do you get into outside of ultimate?
Outside of ultimate, I work in marketing analytics, own an adorable dog, live in Grant Park, and socialize on the beltline.
How long have you been playing ultimate and how much of that has been with the AFDC?
I’ve been playing ultimate since high school. Started my team in college, played some club, and AFDC since 2008.
What drew you to get involved with AFDC Grants?
Ultimate has given me a lot—and I’d like to give back. Ultimate’s community is the force that binds it together, and I’d like to see that community continue to grow and thrive. AFDC Grants is a great way for me to accomplish that goal.
Now that you’re the AFDC Grants Chair, what are your plans? What do you want to accomplish?
There are a ton of opportunities for the Grants! Specifically I’d like to improve awareness, streamline the process, and increase donations (looking at you, mysterious reader of AFDC’s home page, who loves tax write offs and that special feeling you get when you know you just helped a kid learn to throw a disc)
Part of taking on the AFDC Grants Chair position means you’ll be overseeing the Fancy Pants Dance Party. What can we expect on that front? Will you be making it fancier, pantsier, and/or dancier?
I’m not giving away any secrets, but there will be dancing. The dancing will be fancy. Will the dancing be better than years past—it will definitely be better than the dancing that was remembered in the past. Will there be pants? Hopefully some. Will the level of fancy be elevated? That much I can guarantee. If anyone wants to help me achieve these lofty goals—please reach out!
What is your favorite AFDC memory?
Lots of great memories—an undefeated spring league was pretty nice.
Do you even lift, bro?
Yes, although it might not show
Lastly, what do you think sets the AFDC apart as a community league? Why do you keep coming back for more?
The people—it’s a phenomenal collection of diverse, grounded, and fun people.