We are happy to announce the creation of a new Spirit Chair position on the Board of Directors! As our first Spirit Chair, the ever exuberant Cat Prueitt will work to promote a deeper understanding and more robust employment of the Spirit of the Game in our leagues.
The AFDC has always embraced spirit in our renowned league culture. As the national landscape of Ultimate continues to shift rapidly we are doubling down on Spirit of the Game. We intend to be proactive by continually educating our leagues and promoting Spirit in an effort to preserve and influence the way Ultimate is played in Atlanta. This new position is a first step in a program we plan to grow season to season, year over year.
-John Boezi, AFDC President & Mark Poole, Ultimate Director
Some of the initiatives Cat is planning to implement include:
- Developing a Spirit Resources page on the AFDC site with links to materials to help everyone, from coaches to new players to elite athletes, learn about the ins and outs of ultimate spirit
- Encouraging discussions about spirit on Facebook and the forums
- Instituting Spirit Circles after Spring League games
- Introducing Spirit Rankings and some fantastic Spirit Prizes at Spring League EoS
- Moving toward instituting a full-season Spirit System in Summer League
To start off our spirit discussions, we’re planning an Ultimate Trivia night at a TBD location during the first few weeks of Spring League! Come pit your knowledge of the rules, history, and spirit of ultimate against other players in the league. There will be prizes for the winners and bonus round winners. Stay tuned for more details!