New Registration Workflow

It’s with a heavy heart that I announce the eradication of all things PayPal from AFDC League Registration.

Just kidding, it’s the best thing that’s happened to league registrations in years. Read on to find out how this change affects 12 Days registration!

We’ve moved from using PayPal as an external payment mechanism to using BrainTree. We’ve done significant testing and things have gone smoothly, but there are a couple of big differences.

First, you will not need to enter any payment information until after you’ve already been accepted into the league. No more 30-day holds for a league you didn’t get into, no more payment failures that nobody notices, no more 502 Bad Gateway Errors caused by PayPal slowness. Once you complete your registration, you’re done until you are accepted into the league by the commissioner.

Second, because payment now comes after you’ve secured a spot, you will only have a short window of time in which to complete your payment before we give your spot to the next person in line. You will receive an email when you are accepted and you’ll have 48 hours to log in and complete your payment. If you don’t get it done in that period of time, you’ll be moved to the end of the line.

The final big change is that we are no longer going to be sending you off-site to enter your payment details. You’ll take care of that directly on the AFDC site (don’t worry, the AFDC will never see your credit card details and your transaction is secure) and you’ll find out immediately if your payment was accepted. This also allows our payment processor to keep your credit card on file, making future payments fast and easy.

If you’re looking for a step-by-step walk-through of the new process, we’ve got you covered. If you have any questions, head on over to the forums or email

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