Due to the recent and sudden spread of COVID-19, all AFDC events are postponed until further notice.  The City of Atlanta’s current dashboard can be found HERE.  AFDC’s COVID response policy is as follows:

The Atlanta Flying Disc Club will continue to base policy decisions on the guidance from the City of Atlanta, which uses a Red-Yellow-Green system found HERE.  When Red, all play is suspended.  When Yellow, play is allowed within current City of Atlanta and CDC guidelines and recommendations.  Accordingly, when Yellow, all players will need to provide proof of vaccination to play without a mask.  All other players will be required to wear a mask while playing and on the sideline.  Players who violate mask rules will be removed from play.  When Green, play is allowed without modification.  During Yellow and Green phases, it is at the organizer’s discretion to implement additional safety measures beyond what is outlined above.  

Individual program updates will be coming out soon and/or sent to those affected individually.

Stay safe everybody.

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