The first quarterly open meeting of the AFDC Board of Directors is coming up next month, and you’re invited!
You’re invited to attend and participate in the first quarterly meeting of the AFDC Board. AFDC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization and as such holds quarterly open meetings at which all members of the organization are invited and offered an opportunity to participate.
When: 7:00pm on March 26
Where: Orpheus Brewery
1440 Dutch Valley Pl NE,
Atlanta, GA 30324
Main points on the agenda:
– Spring programs
– 2020 Goals
– OPEN Media/Marketing position
Please submit all questions, comments, and concerns to info@afdc.com prior to the meeting.
ALSO – we are actively looking for a MEDIA AND MARKETING aficionado to volunteer a small amount of time to the organization. Please let us know if you’re interested.