Winter Goalty is fast approaching! We’ve got all of the season details for you here.
- Regular Season Dates: Saturdays beginning January 5th through February 23rd
- End of Season Date: Saturday March 2nd (tentative)
- Location:
- Regular Season: Grant Park
- End of Season: TBD
- Dogs: No dogs at Grant Park due to their field policy. Please make other arrangements.
- Times: Two separate rounds at 10:35 am and 11:30 am — team schedules will vary week to week.
- Format: A game will be two halves of 20 minutes with a 5 minute half
each game (you’ll play two different teams each Saturday) - Cost: $60
- Registration: Opens December 18th at noon at leagues.afdc.com.
- Registration will be limited based on the number of cores that form. So, if it’s absolutely important that you play goalty this winter, make sure you get on a core or you sign up as soon as registration opens.
- Registration will be a two-step process — (1) register first and then (2) pay once accepted into the league (within the allotted 48 hr payment window).
- 5 person cores consisting of 3 men and 2 women (or 3 women and 2 men)
- 36 point core total (men 0-9 scale/women 0-6 scale)
- 23 point total for men
- Cores must be submitted to me by December 14th
- Cores are subject to review by captains
- Draft Date: Wednesday January 2nd
Questions, comments, etc….email me at jason.crowe12@gmail.com.
Jason Crowe, Goalty Commish
Photo by Christina Schmidt for UltiPhotos.com.