Ladies and Gentlemen,
If you haven’t felt it yet, there’s a sudden chill in the air. The weather in Atlanta has dropped suddenly from 96° to 91.8°. The thunderstorms have moved on forever. People are beginning to consider possibly maybe pulling long-sleeve shirts out of the attic. Fall has arrived.
Along with the rapid temperature drop comes a metaphorical temperature spike: the heating up of Fall Ultimate Frisbee! We are excited to announce that we will once again be running Fall League this season. Everything that you know and love has pretty much stayed the same compared to the past couple of years, with a few exceptions:
1. Me! I’ll be taking over the Commissioner role from Neel this year, and am super excited to get started. I recently graduated from Auburn University with a major in Ultimate Frisbee (pretty much). I know a decent amount of folks here in Atlanta, and am obviously eager to meet many more this year!
2. EOS Tournament will likely be held In-Town at Boulevard Crossing.
Other than that, details are below!
What: Fall League 2018
Who: 8 Teams playing 5M/2F. League will be all draft with 2 captains per team (1M/1F). Our vision is that the league remains competitive, while continuing to develop newer or younger players and spread the joy of Ultimate!
When: Saturday Mornings 10AM-1PM (2 games). League will run 9/15-10/27, with EOS landing on Sunday, 11/11.
Where: In-Town Fields (Likely Boulevard or Grant).
Why: Fall Ultimate is the best Ultimate. Crisp Saturday Morning air, healthy competition, decent exercise, new friends, etc.
How: With your legs. Even that’s optional.
Registration: 8/21-9/3
Fee: $60. Please reach out to me if money is the primary obstacle coming between you and the greatest 9 weeks of your life!
Draft: Week of 9/3
Captains: We are still in need of a couple of Captains for this Fall, so please reach out if interested!
I can be contacted at registerdusty706@gmail.com