It’s time to light up some pipes!
Join us for another epic AFDC Fall Goaltimate season! We will be playing Sunday evenings at Coan Park. For beginners to Goaltimate or disc sports, we will be hosting clinics before rounds for the first few weeks of the league. This league will culminate in a 2-day Goalty hat tournament complete with a tournament party. Let’s gooooalty!
League details:
- Regular Season: Sundays 6pm-8pm @ Coan Park, September 2nd through October 28th
- End-of-Season 2-Day Tournament: November 3rd and 4th at Georgia Soccer Park. All league participants get free entry into Atlanta’s Inaugural 2-day Goalty hat tournament. Entry includes 2 full days of goalty, endless amounts of keg beer, swag bag, and an undetermined but very likely high level of good times.
- Format: Two rounds per day
- Skill Level: All
- Cores/Captains: We will accept individuals OR male/female pairs as either a 1-person or 2-person cores
- Captain Limits – 16 point max for male/female (Male rank is 0-9, Female rank is 0-9)
- Captains are first come, first serve, or by August 24th
- Email to katiefranchot@gmail.com if you are interested
- Cost: $65 (9 weeks of league play + player fee for hat tournament)
- Registration: Thursday, August 16th at noon. Register here
- Draft: ~Tuesday, August 28th
- League Player Limits: Room for 6 teams – 48 men/24 women (subject to revision)
Please contact Katie Franchot if you are interested in captaining/co-captaining or with questions: katiefranchot@gmail.com
Katie Franchot, Fall Goalty Commish 2018