Thinking about playing in Summer League this year? Here’s what we’ve got in store.
What’s New?
- The biggest change this year is that Rich gets some help! Jackie Podoll, Jon Fey, and Jin Lee will be serving as co-commissioners – be nice to them!
- We’re revamping our social event offerings. Details still to come, but it should be exciting!
Same Old, Same Old
- Games are played 3 women/4 men
- 1 Female and 1 Male captain required for each team
- Maximum of 14 men, minimum 7 women per team
- 24 teams in co-ed Summer League
- Price of Summer League will be $110
What’s Never Changing
- You will have fun
- You will play a ton of ultimate
- Someone is actively working to ruin your summer
Get on a Core!
- Getting on a core ensures you a spot in the league
- Women’s registration is tiered. See here: https://www.afdc.com/2018/03/summer-league-registration-info/
- Men’s registration typically fills up in 30 minutes after opening
- Nothing can be done if you miss the registration deadline or if registration fills up
- Full core rules here: https://www.afdc.com/2018/03/summer-league-2018-core-details/
- If you’re looking for a core, email us, and post here: https://www.afdc.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=8035
- Games will start at 6:30 pm on Tuesdays and Thursday
- Weeknight games will be playing on in-town fields
- Tournaments will be held at Georgia Soccer Park
- Games played at GSP require players to wear ‘turfs’ (something like this) – if you’re unsure what that means, contact the commissioners
- Typically, two games are played each day, unless there is a “Game of the Week” on Thursday
- “Game of the Week” will be played under the lights, sites and dates to come
Spirit! It’s Important, Dang It!
- We are continuing our focus on and direct approach to spirit for Summer League
- Spirit includes, but is not limited to:
- Spirit Circles
- Spirit Scores
- Spirit Awards
- Treating teammates and opponents with respect
- Maintaining a welcoming environment
Write These Dates Down:
- First Night of Games – May 29th
- Mid-Season Tournament – June 23-24
- End of Season Tournament – August 4-5
Contact us with any questions: afdcsummerleague at gmail dot com