After hearing your feedback, we’re moving our previously-announced Sunday league to Wednesday nights!
If you registered for the Sunday league, your registration will carry over. If you are unable to play Wednesdays, please reach out as soon as possible – refunds are available through this Wednesday, August 30th, at 5:00pm. Contact Adam McCargo with any questions: mccargo+FG@gmail.com
League Details:
- Registration: Now through August 30th
- Draft: Thursday, September 7th
- League Play:
- First Game: Wednesday, Sept 13th
- Last Game: Wednesday, Nov 15th
- Coan Rec: 8:00pm-11:00pm
- EOS: Sunday, Nov 19th
- Registration Fee: $60
Captain/Core Details:
- Male/Female Captains Pairs:
- Max Rank is 12
- Male: 9 point scale
- Female: 6 point scale
- Max Rank is 12
- Call for captains starts now and due: Friday 8/25
- Email me at mccargo+FG@gmail.com