Captains! ASSEMBLE!
The call for captains is up on the forum. Post there or email Rich (henry dot johnston+SL at gmail) to get your core on the list! Tell me your captains’ names and your team name. Reminder – if you’re thinking about making a core, let me know early. The spots fill up fast, and if I don’t know you’re working on it, I’m not saving you a place.
Forum link here: https://www.afdc.com/forum/vi
Be a captain! Make a core, get to pick who you play with!
Reminder: Cores need Female/Male captain pairs, you can’t sign up without both.
We’ve got tips on how to be a good captain here: https://www.afdc.com/2014
Email Rich if you have any questions, or need help filling out a core.
There’s a reward for captaining – if you fulfill some basic requirements (building a legal core and submitting on time, attending the captain’s party and draft, promoting spirit and reporting both game and spirit scores), we’ll refund half of your dues for the summer.
Photos taken by Christina Schmidt for UltiPhotos.com