‘Member 2015 rainouts? ‘Member Sping League? ‘Member mid-season hat tournament? ‘Member Tommy Wiseau’s Tuxedo Football 2K16?
Spring League 2017 plans to bring you none of the above! What you do need to know:
We need captains! Let me, your new Spring League commish Jacob Zirbel, know (jacobzirbel3 at gmail dot com) if you are interested. I can help you make a core.
- Regular Season: 3/11-4/29
- EOS Tournament: 5/6
- Games will be at Boulevard Crossing and GSP from 10-1
- Games played at Boulevard during March will be from 12-3!
- April Fools Fun Day (more on this later)
- Turfs at GSP, Cleats at Boulevard
- Play is 5/2 males/females
- Registration opens Monday, February 20th at Noon
- Register at: https://leagues.afdc.com/leagues
- League cost $60
- Draft will be the week of 3/6
- Cores are due before registration begins
- Cores will consist of 5 males and 3 females
- Max total ranking is 43
- talk to me if you’re concerned about your core
- Andy Chung / Lauren Lee
- Jack Curran / Lindsay Turner
Contact me know if you have any questions: jacobzirbel3 at gmail dot com