The AFDC is proud to announce College Terminus!
This year, the tournament will be held on March 5-6, 2016 at the LakePoint Sporting Community in Emerson, GA (just 30 minutes north of Atlanta). We are very excited about this move because LakePoint Sporting Community features synthetic turf technology and allows fields to be playable immediately after rain. We will host 12 open and 6 womens teams in order to focus our efforts on making College Terminus the best tournament possible.
Date: March 5-6, 2016
Location: LakePoint Sporting Community – Emerson, GA
Teams: 12 College Open teams, 6 College Women teams
Bid Fee: $400
Email: terminustd@gmail.com
Website: www.afdc.com/college-terminus
Bid Process:
Please email the tournament address to submit a bid with the following information:
School and team name, Contact email and phone number, Captains/Coaches, and 2015 results.
Once your bid is accepted, payment is necessary to confirm your spot in the tournament.
Refund Policy:
Once your bid is accepted and your payment is received your team has a spot in the tournament. Cancellations before February 19th will receive a full refund of their bid payment. Cancellations AFTER February 19th will receive 50% refund of their bid payment.
College Terminus needs a new tournament director! Here’s a message from Mark Poole:
Hey Everyone! Michelle VanHandel is stepping down as TD of our annual college tournament. She has done a great job over the last few years while dealing with the tumultuous Spring season in Atlanta. Many thanks to a job well done, Michelle.
We need a new TD for the tournament! College Terminus aspires to be one of the premiere college tournaments in the southeast, attracting teams from all over the country. The Tournament Director will be in charge of logistics, marketing, scheduling, etc. There will be input and guidance from the Ultimate Director but this will be your baby to grow and raise as you see fit. We are slated to be back at LakePoint sports facility again this year considering the weather in March.
If you are interested in or want to discuss the position in more detail, please email me at markpoolejr@gmail dot com.
Photo by Christina Schmidt