Howdy folks!
Fall league ultimate is upon us and I want to take this time to first respectfully disagree with McCargo. I <3 Goalty as much as the next guy, but I’m all about Ultimate, and for the next 3ish months, I’m all about Fall Ultimate.
Things you need to know about this year’s league:
What: Fall League Ultimate 2015, of course!
Who: Teams will be 5/2. Captains will be a male/female pair, and aside from that, the rest of the team will be decided at the draft. 10 teams in total.
- Registration will run 8/24 through 9/4. (Fee: $45)
- Draft will be held week of 9/7 (exact date TBD)
- Two games each Saturday from 9/19–11/7 (yes, this starts after USAU Regionals)
- EOS will be 11/14
Where: All regular season games will be at City of Atlanta fields, primarily Boulevard Crossing and Maddox Park. EOS will be at Georgia Soccer Park.
Why: Why not? You love this game. What else were you going to be doing with your Saturday mornings?
Current list of captains below:
- Jacob Zirbel/Sam Stovall
- Paige Payne/Tyson Puckett
- Sean Finlay/Lauren Lee
- Tara Mostowy/Mark Swanson
- Jessica Wackerman/Victor Pulizzi
- Brandon Welch/Sarah Lovatt
- Nick Collins/Michelle Sloan
- Justin Mattingly/Miranda Knowles
- Amanda Dean/Adam Moseley
- Cat Prueitt/Jason Campbell
Finally, if any of you have any questions feel free to send me an email at nkotra05@gmail.com and I’ll get back to you as quickly as I can.
Much love from your fall commish,