The spring end of season tournaments this year were pretty dang awesome. There were great people playing good ultimate and goaltimate in weather that could not have been any more beautiful. Our hats off to you commissioners and weather machine operators!
For Spring League EoS, Powered by Go Juice beats out Big Gulps in the championship game with a final score of 11-7. Our thanks to all the teams that played hard, drank hard, or maybe did a good amount of both and a special thanks to Ozone for providing a most delectable lunch. Props to the commissioner, Sean “Awkward” Finlay, for putting on a fun season of ultimate! Woo!
Check out those sweet Spring (not Sping) League Champion hats!
For Spring Goalty EoS, Team A+G won out against Team Commish, 9-5, to win the tournament. Though, don’t be fooled, the tournament itself was only second to the Dizzy Bat Challenge that took place afterwards. In an epic test of physical skill and mental fortitude, two pairs (Cat Prueitt/Jason Campbell and Tara Mostowy/Chris Stewart*) tied for first place to take home a cash prize. Ca-ching!
Again, thanks go out to all the players that made it such a fun tournament, along with Nick Brown and Paige Payne for commissioning a different, but fun goalty season.
Now for a couple of action shots from Spring League EoS.
Photos by Christina Schmidt.