Hello Everyone!
Start spreading the word–registration is open for SUA 2014. Head on over to http://www.spinultimateacademy.com for info and forms.
For those of you new to the idea, Spin Ultimate Academy (SUA) is a week-long day camp in Atlanta, GA for Ultimate players in grades 9-12. Founded in 2012, Spin Ultimate Academy is co-sponsored by Spin Ultimate and the Atlanta Flying Disc Club. Our coaches this year will be Michael Baccarini, the longtime coach of Paideia High School Ultimate in Atlanta, and Martin Aguilera, who was the head coach for the Team USA U-23 Mixed squad that earned Gold in Toronto (among other coaching accolades). They’ll be assisted by the ever-awesome Jericho Barbour.
Our days are designed around specific topics–there is discussion, drilling, game simulation and more. We place a heavy emphasis on playing Ultimate with Spirit of the Game and on developing a strong community among players. In addition, we welcome high school coaches to come and share in the learning! Because we realize how much youth Ultimate depends on strong coaches, they can attend camp free of charge.
Now for the important stuff. Camp will run from June 17-June 21 at Python Park in Decatur, GA. We are encouraging everyone to start spreading the word and to start making plans to attend. Cost for attendance will be $375 with an early bird discounted fee of $335 for those who register and pay before March 31. The deadline to register for the camp will be May 23. Please check out our registration page(http://www.spinultimateacademy.com/index.php/register1/)!
There are some scholarships available for students meeting various criteria so contact us if you’d like more details!
We encourage you to send this information to teams, coaches, players–anyone you feel would benefit from our camp.
Here are the ways to contact us:
Email: spincamp@spinultimate.com
Phone: (404) 736-6499
Also, Like us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/SpinUltimateAcademy) to receive announcments, updates, and other news.
Last year was a huge success and the athletes, coaches, and we here at Spin all learned a great deal from one another. This year promises to carry on our growing tradition of excellence.