Interested in becoming a leader in Atlanta ultimate? Perhaps you already are, but want to learn the techniques and skills to become more effective. Well count your lucky stars, because AFDC is sponsoring 10 coaches for the upcoming USAU Level 1 Coaching Clinic! Apply quick! Application deadline is January 27th!
Find out more in this letter from Kirsten Shell.
I am pleased to announce that the Atlanta Flying Disc Club (AFDC) will be sponsoring up to 10 coaches for the upcoming USAU Level 1 Coaching Clinic on February 9th. Investment in our community’s current and future leaders will hopefully lead to continuation of high levels of fun, competitive, and spirited ultimate play in the Atlanta area.
If you would like to apply for sponsorship please complete the application below. USAU Level 1 Coaching Clinic AFDC Sponsorship Application
Applicants will be selected by a small AFDC cohort that will take into consideration:
1. Current coaching status of a juniors and/or women’s team 2. Current and future impact on juniors and/or women’s development in the Atlanta area, Georgia, and the Southeast 3. Involvement with the AFDC 4. Application answersApplication deadline for sponsorship is January 27th, as this is also the deadline for registration to the clinic. Please register for yourself, and if you are selected by the AFDC, you will be reimbursed for the clinic fee. If your participation in the Coaches Clinic is contingent on this sponsorship due to financial reasons, please contact me directly.
Huge thanks to the AFDC for this investment into the development of our sport. Please contact me at Kirsten.shell@gmail.com if I can help answer any questions.
Kirsten Shell
Women’s Development Committee Chair
Find out more information about the Coaching Clinic itself here.