Mmm…Winter Goalty…the other white meat. Check out all the important details below.
- Regular Season Dates: Saturdays beginning on January 4th through February 22
- End of Season Date: Saturday March 1st
- Location: Walker Park
- Times: Two separate rounds at 11am and 1:30pm–team schedules would vary week to week.
- Format: Two matches (best of 3) each Saturday (This means you’ll play two different teams each weekend.)
- Cost: $45
- Skill Level: New players welcomed but this is the most competitive goalty league–so be prepared.
- Open Registration: December 16th (Registration will be limited based on the number of cores that form. So, if it’s absolutely important that you play goalty this winter, make sure you get on a core or you sign up as soon as registration opens.)
- 5 person cores consisting of 3 men and 2 women (no alternate arrangements allowed).
- 29 point core total (men 0-9 scale/women 0-6 scale).
- 21 point total for men.
- Cores must be submitted to me by December 9th.
- Cores are subject to review by captains.
- No set core minimum, but striving for competitive levels.
- I am happy to help with core building where I can and as my schedule allows.
- If you already have a core formed or are thinking about it, please shoot me an email and let’s chat.
Questions, comments, fears….email me at cuschmidt@gmail.com.
Get the goalty fever!
- Sean Finlay
- Jared Inselmann
- Barckley Toole
- Michael Spear
- Adam Steele and Jay Peake
- John Boezi
- Marc Seto
- Chris Goodson
- Matt Bergin
- Russell Snow
Christina Schmidt, Goalty Commish
Photo by Christina Schmidt.