Ultimate Peace is a program the AFDC and Atlanta community supports. Please click here to find out how you can help support this great cause.
A message from David Barkan, CEO Ultimate Peace www.ultimatepeace.org
UP runs programs in the Middle East that use Ultimate as a tool to bring youth together from different sides of the regional conflict. We are also beginning to work in other parts of the world, including Colombia. We believe Ultimate can change the world, and in fact, already is. We have had tremendous success in the Middle East, as you will see on the short video below, but also have real challenges.
We just started a campaign to raise money for our year-round programs, and I am asking for your help. We are a volunteer run organization, but the programs are still costly. As the New Year approaches, we are asking that people think about giving a gift, a gift of peace and hope – to the children and future of the Middle East and to the growth of Ultimate in the region. Donations of any size help. We will use it well. Here is a short video that provides more information about our work and organization. As you see on the video, it is working.
You surely heard about all the violent outbreaks recently in Gaza in the West Bank and inTel Aviv, Israel. It made running our programs very difficult, as our purpose is to bring Arabs, Jews, and Palestinians together to build bonds of friendships so they can one day build a brighter future together.
When borders are closed, parents are afraid and kids feel the hate around them – it makes it very hard to do our important work. The recent events also made us realize we have to make sure our programs go year-round and reach more youth so no matter what happens in the region, our programs will go on and keep blazing the trail of peace.
Please join others around the globe in helping use our sport for peace. We hope to spread the work around the world as time goes on.
Thank you for considering helping out Ultimate Peace, and if you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. Advice and feedback is always welcome too!
In Peace,
David Barkan, CEO Ultimate Peace www.ultimatepeace.org