The AFDC is hosting a party for all its members at the Sweetwater Brewery Friday July 27th at 9pm.
Don’t float the mainstream
Come enjoy some of Atlanta’s finest beers with your friends. Talk smack about the games you’ve played this season (remember that time you skyed Benwater?), predict what will happen the following weekend at the ESoT, and munch on some food provided by Andy Grimes and the Pickle.
- Free to any AFDC member
- You must be 21+ and show ID to enter
- You may bring a non-AFDC member for a $10 fee, collected by Jenny Lee. We call it her retirement fund.
- Doors open at 9pm and we get kicked out at midnight
- We are going to try to set up a projector so we can watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympic games. Depends on if we bring the right cords. Did anyone look in the bag?