A group including your fav Summer League commish (not pictured) witnessed an incredible event in Jackson Hole, WY, in the winter, and AFDC is bringing the magic to you this summer. Find out more here.
Hey everyone. Welcome to AFDC Gelande Quaffing 2012.
To get a better picture, check out this video from the 2012 World Championship qualifier rounds at Jackson Hole.
Updated plan: Thursdays, MST, and EOST —
Thursdays will be “practice rounds” or seeding determinants for MST and EOST brackets. Good Times will be hosting everyone w/ the bars, beers, and B.A.-ness every Thursday that they can manage it. Find their field to get your team’s practice time in.
I know… This Thurs is only 2 days prior to MST where the first Gelande Quaffing tournament will take place. Work with it.
I’ll get a reasonable format created and Bobo will be running the show Saturday as the Competition Director.
Also, Bobo will probably run a freestyle tourn – no real rules or scoring; entertainment value wins.
Email us if you have any questions.
Tentative Tournament Rules: (subject to change by Competition Director) 1. max 7 people per team; only 4 pitching/quaffing in each round. 2. remaining teammates contribute by pouring beers / collecting empties; can rotate in for subsequent rounds.2. 60 second rounds.
3. Quaffer must be 2 feet from the edge of the bar, allowing beer to leave the edge of the bar before catching.
4. Must rotate pitcher and quaffer every pitch.
5. You CANNOT pitch until beer is finished and mug touches the bar again!
6. You must quaff the beer, not wear it.
7. No puking, puking results in immediate team disqualification.
8. In the event of a tie, each team will choose 1 quaffer and 1 pitcher, and the team with the fastest individual Gelande Quaff wins.
Scoring: (again, subject to change by Competition Director) 1 point regular catch 2 points handle catch 3 points trick catch 4 points trick catch w/ 360 bonus points for fancy catches TBD by Competition Director