A variety of volunteers are needed to help out at College terminus this year. Click for deets.
March 24-25th
The volunteers we need are as follows:
Tent: we need people to man the tent throughout the day. This involves answering questions, helping Frito, and collecting scores.
Water: we need people to keep the water coolers filled at all 12 fields. We need several people to do this throughout the weekend.
Observers: That speaks for itself. And, those interested in becoming a Certified observer needs to sign up for the observer clinic which we will host that weekend. The link to register is:
http://www.usaultimate.org/events/usa-u … -terminus/
More info about observers can be found at https://www.afdc.com/2011/11/usau-observer-training/
If you are interested in helping out, please email Frito at TerminusTD@gmail.com
Thanks so much!!